Monday, December 13, 2010


Glucosamine for Dogs

Is your best friend slowing down? He must be suffering from canine Osteoarthritis and/or hip dysplasia. Did you know that up to 30% of dogs and cats have Osteoarthritis? Here are the signs of when glucosamine may be needed for your dog:

Difficulty or adverse reaction to walking, playing, or going up stairs
Falling behind you on walks
General lethargy
Difficulty or adverse reaction to walking, playing, or going up stairs
Difficulty getting up when laying down
Signs of pain when petted or touched
Aversive to any contacts
Unlike us, pets have a very high pain threshold. Think about it. If we feel a headache coming on, we can attack that headache with medicine before it becomes a problem. When we have pain, we either tell someone or we do something about it. Pets on the other hand though, cannot do anything about their pain. Therefore, they learn to deal with it. When the pain becomes so overwhelming that they are experiencing some of the signs (noted above), they are in an extreme amount of pain and action should be taken right away.

Another important point is that there is no placebo effect in dogs. The dog does not know if he or she is getting a dietary supplement, (such as glucosamine) therefore when you notice your best friend walking and jumping in the car again, you know they are feeling better. An overwhelming majority of pets respond to Glucosamine, and larger dog breeds in particular seem to respond extremely well to Glucosamine.

Proven Effects of Glucosamine in Dogs

Just as in humans, Glucosamine has shown great effect for your dog's joint health. More importantly, as a natural dietary supplement, it also rehabilitates and soothes your dog's joints. Glucosamine is a preventive measure that will ensure your beloved friend will have maximum joint health. You will begin to notice the results in your pet within one to two weeks. You’ll find your dog more lively, active and animated. For some animals, the results are simply amazing.

Glucosamine is already found in the cartilage and synovial fluid, already in your joints. It is a normal constituent of your dog’s glycosaminoglycans, which form part of the ground substance of connective tissue. Several recent studies have shown that swallowed Glucosamine is absorbed and distributed to joint tissues, and that it does have anti-inflammatory and joint regenerating properties. This can be beneficial in osteoarthritic type conditions, such as hip dysplasia or osteoarthritis in dogs.

What Glucosamine Product is Best to Use for My Dog?

When your pet's pain relief and health is at stake, you need to be careful about the competing products and the marketing hype. There are six factors that you need to take into account before purchasing any Glucosamine product for your dog. These are:

Type of Glucosamine (sulfate, HCL, or 2KCL)
Quality of the ingredients (superior quality, produced in a GMP certified facility)
Method of delivery (liquid or pills?)
Amount of Glucosamine needed per day
The additional ingredients besides glucosamine
Daily Cost
The amount of glucosamine you will want to give your animal will depend on the condition your dog is in. It’s important to compare price per day and not price per product, as many companies try to fool you by providing 60 capsules or 32 oz. without telling you that you must use 6 capsules or 2 oz. per day. Hence be careful to always compare price per day! A good rule of thumb is to look for 750mg of Glucosamine HCl and Glucosamine Sulfate per 50 pounds of weight. Glucosamine 2KCL is a lower quality, less potent form of Glucosamine which generally is found in grocery stores or major low cost discount stores. Stay away from the 2KCL and NaCl forms of Glucosamine as they are a flat out rip off.

Keep in mind the benefits of a liquid Glucosamine. Many dogs are reluctant to having pills thrown down their throat. If the pill is mixed with the food, it could be chewed and lost in the teeth. A liquid form on the other hand, can be poured directly over the food for a guaranteed acceptance by the dog. Glucosamine has a pleasant taste for most all dogs. Most simply think it's a treat.

**Many vets recommend doubling the dosage of Glucosamine for dogs the first 2-3 weeks to engage a more rapid healing process. This is fine and may be very beneficial.**

Glucosamine in the right form and quality, combined with other synergistic ingredients, not only eases your pet's pain quickly, but promotes maximum joint health for your animal. Past research on animals has shown administered as appropriate ingredient mix, Glucosamine will ease your pet's joint pain in about ten to fifteen days. In severe cases, it may take as long as thirty days, but remember, this is without the dangerous side effects of NSAIDs and COX-II inhibitors and will be lasting relief. Don't let your animal take harmful drugs any longer. Try glucosamine for your animal today.

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